Friday 16 March 2018

It doesn't happen the way you hoped

The first day of Transformer (for me and) after March break was this past Tuesday and it was also storming. So my long awaited return to youth group has been postponed a week.

I was so sad when I got the message that Transformers was cancelled due to the storm. Although it was a good decision because the roads were messy and there was so much snow. But still, I really had wanted to get back to spending my Tuesday nights with the middle school group from my church.

I feel like through this storm and youth group cancellation and through some other current events in my life, God is teaching me that he is in control.

Even though I really wanted to start back at youth group, I had no control of the weather; I couldn't stop the snow from coming.

Also happening in my life this week, my grandmother had a triple bypass done yesterday. As she awaited her surgery I had asked her if she was scared - it would make sense if she was, she's 81 years old and it's a major surgery. She told me she wasn't scared because there was really nothing she could do about it. She had faith that God was in control and whatever was going to happen was his will.

Wow, what a lesson she taught me through her bravery and her faith.

The storm was a little reinforcement of the lesson. God is in control, whatever happens is his will.

I didn't get to youth group like I had hoped this past Tuesday, but here's hoping that the snow is done, there won't be anymore storms, and I will get to return to Transformers this coming Tuesday!

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