Friday 17 November 2017

Faith and Friends

There is a girl who goes to youth group. She doesn't seem really loud, but she does have friends in the group. She's not someone I knew before two weeks ago. She isn't one of the girls who grew up going to the church, she just comes to youth group. Her older brother had gone to youth group when he was in middle school and high school because a friend had invited him and he told his sister about it so now she goes.

Last week I wrote about how I want to build relationships with the kids who go to youth group. I want to be a role model for them and I want to be a friend for them.

So this week I started working towards that goal. At the beginning of youth group the kids have free time and I saw this girl sitting by herself instead of playing soccer with some of the other kids so I went over to sit by her. We talked for a little bit and I got to know some more about her school and some of the projects she's working on for class.

It's super cool talking to some of the youth group kids because they are so much younger than me, but not only that, their experience in middle school is so different but yet so similar to my own experience. Some things they talk about I can relate to and remember from when I was in middle school, but other things go right over my head and I have no idea what they are talking about. It's definitely an interesting experience.

This week for Alpha our topic was all about faith. The video and questions brought about some really good conversations, I was with the middle school girls for small group time and there was one girl who kept amazing me with her answers. She seemed so mature in her answers it was so cool!

One of the questions after the video was asking us which character we would be if a relationship with God was the pool. The courage the girls had to tell us that they were just dipping their toes in or that they were the girl with the towel who was scared made me admire them so much. To be honest, when I was in middle school, I probably would have said what everyone else was saying, but these girls were not afraid to say where they were at in their faith.
Image result for youth alpha swimming pool illustration
Pool photo from Alpha "If a relationship with God was the pool, which person would you be?"

Going to youth group every Tuesday really fills my heart. I love spending time with very active young people and I love learning with them and leading them closer to Jesus Christ!

Thanks for reading,


Friday 10 November 2017

the time has come

So I'm finally home for my teaching practicum and I'm so excited!

Being home also means that I can (finally) start leading at youth group!

So Tuesday night I made the very familiar drive to my home church and prepared myself to jump back into the youth leading game. It was both awesome and a little weird being back. It was awesome because I love youth - especially middle schoolers - and I'm so happy to be back. It was a little weird because all of a sudden these kids who I have known since they were babies are now in middle school going to youth group every week.

The middle school youth group is called Transformers, because it is a place for middle schoolers to go to have their lives transformed by Jesus.

The schedule of the night is a bit different from when I used to help out at Transformers 4 years ago.

Transformers nights in a nutshell: The students come in, mingle and hang out for a while. Then they have a warm up game, we played human tic-tac-toe. After the game there is snack. Following snack we split up into small groups for devo time. We are currently doing Alpha which is super cool because I have always heard of Alpha but I have never done it before. After devo we head back into the gym for big group games - we played life size hungry hungry hippos this week. Finally the night is over and it's time to go home.

If you can't already tell I'm so excited to be back at youth group. Seeing young people on fire for Christ fills my heart and inspires me to draw closer to Him.

Since I have finally started my time at youth group I figure it would be a good idea to make a goal for my time here. My biggest goal for the next few weeks is to get to know the kids. I want to really build strong relationships with the kids at youth group, I want to be someone they can trust and come to if they have any problems or questions. So over the next few weeks I am really going to focus on talking to each of the kids. First I'll start by asking them how their day was or how school is going. I'm going to start small and build up from there.

I can't wait to tell you more next week.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday 19 October 2017

Getting Excited

I am starting to get excited. 

November 5th I head home and I start my teaching practicum on November 6th. Being home means that I will be back at my home church regularly and being back at my home church regularly means that I will be able to get involved with one of my favourite groups: YOUTH! 

I really cannot wait to start leading some youth at RiverCross. I love ministering to youth both middle school and high school alike. I think my favourite thing about the youth at RiverCross is their hearts for Jesus. There seriously are some kids on fire for Christ and they just inspire me to be like that too. 

For the past few years I have been in and out with the RiverCross youth, mainly because I haven't been in Saint John full time since 2015. But I have still been around in the summers and for the odd winter camp and youth event. Getting back to being a leader weekly will hopefully be like going back to family. I'm excited to get updated on the lives of the youth I already know and I'm excited to meet and get to know new youth that I do not already know. 

I really have no expectations and that is one of my favourite parts. 

Two weeks ago I was home and I was able to snag a ticket to a concert that the high schoolers and young adults were going to. On the way there I was able to talk to Matt about the next month when I would be home to start helping out. We are not exactly which group I'll be going to, but to be honest I will be happy anywhere. 

I know this post is completely opposite from last weeks dark and dreary post, but the Lord has been stirring this excitement in my heart and I cannot wait to update you about it as I continue on this journey. 

Thanks for reading, 

Friday 13 October 2017

And We're Back

I'm back to the blogging scene and so much has changed since my last post. 

I graduated my undergrad (Bachelor of Arts), I started my third degree (Bachelor of Education) and I'm still in progress with my second degree (Bachelor of Theology). 

In the past few months, life has been really good at some times, life has been really bad at other times, but mostly life has been really busy at all times. 

Here's a little recap: 

Let's start in May. I went to Cuba with my family on vacation. It was an amazing time to relax and refresh and spend quality time with my parents and my sister. We arrived home from Cuba early Saturday morning (3:30am). This was the same Saturday of my graduation from Crandall. So we went back to my apartment for a few hours of sleep before getting up again to get ready for the big day. 

Graduation came and went, and then my summer job began. As soon as I started working the summer just kind of blurs together. The days went by quick and the weeks went by even quicker. By day I was working, by night I was on the field practicing rugby and the weekends was a combination of playing rugby, trying to get to my trailer for family time, and going to/working at the church. I can't tell you what happened on any specific day because, as I said, it went by in a blur and every day was blended together. 

I did get to preach one Sunday though! And I must say, that was definitely one of the highlights of my summer. 

It's funny because when I think of this past summer, I can easily think of three bad things that happened and it's harder to think of the good things. Of course being back playing rugby was AMAZING and as I said, preaching was awesome, but this summer - or at least the end of it was pretty hard. 

The brutal end to the summer along with the business - not really getting a summer vacation, and jumping into a university varsity sport and an EXTREMELY demanding Education program has put me on a slow start. 

I'm not trying to make excuses or anything, I'm just giving an update on my very hectic and chaotic life. 

So we're midway through August. My sister, dad, and I are in Fredericton for a rugby game when, just as the game was ending, my mom called us. My uncle, aunt, and little (14 years old) cousin were in a terrible accident. Their trailer blew up while the three of them were in it. They all received bad burns and two of the three of them were in the ICU. Now (Oct.) all three are alive and recovering - my little cousin, the last of the three, just got out of the hospital last week, but at the time it was scary for them, for family, and for friends. You can read a little more about their accident here. So that's number one. 

Number two, about a week later, my grandmother, who is 80 (and the mother of my uncle who was in the accident), calls my house, asking for my parents to take her to the hospital because she is feeling so sick and she is in a lot of pain. My parents go over to her house and call an ambulance while my sister and I stay home scared and wondering what is going to happen. It turns out that it was mostly from stress and exhaustion, and we are able to bring her back to my house that night to watch her and help her recover. This happened the night before my sermon. It is kind of interesting because the topic I was preaching on was worry, so there was a moment that night where I said "Emily, how can you preach about giving your worries to God if you are not willing to do that yourself?" so I prayed and instantly felt better because I knew my God was in control of the situation. 

Number three, my dog, who was my first and only dog, was about 12. We all loved her to death. She had slowed down a bit over the years, but she really didn't change that much. Until we noticed, near the end of August, that she was having trouble breathing. My dad took her to the vet for x-rays and it turns out her lungs were pushed up in her chest. The vet gave us steroids for her to take to see if it was fluid that was pushing on her lungs. So we started giving her steroids and her breathing got better, but she stopped eating. Meanwhile, my sister and I had to leave for Fredericton (two days after finishing our summer jobs) for rugby training camp. I went home to visit about a week later to see that my dog had lost so much weight. She was merely skin and bones. She held on for a little while longer for my sister and I to say goodbye, but then my parents made the difficult decision to put her down.

On top of all that I'm taking 9 courses a week, I have one 10 hour day, a 12 hour day, and three 6 hour days. Oh and I'm playing rugby for STU so the few hours spent on rugby and my devotional time before bed (which I only started back doing in the past few weeks - more on this in a later post), is the only time I really have to take a breath. 

Of course, I do not regret anything, every experience this summer and this semester is helping me to grow and learn more on God. I know that there is absolutely no way I can accomplish this and reach my goals without trusting Him. 

I am however, so looking forward to Christmas break when I will have three weeks of no school, relaxation, and family and friend time. 

Now to the ministry stuff. I am currently in classes at STU for my Ed degree. In November, I move back home to start my practicum (I can't wait!) and when I do that I will also be starting youth group (I also can't wait for that!). This past week I was super lucky to get my hands on an extra ticket to see my favourite worship band: Rend Collective. I went with my church - some of the youth and young adults. While on the way I was able to talk to Matt, my home church's NextGen Pastor about youth group. See I'm not picky, I just love working with youth. I'm happy with middle school (Transformers) or high school (J-Walkers) so he said he will be looking into where I'm needed most and will let me know, but most likely I'll be with the middle school group. 

I'm super excited to be getting back into leading youth group, it definitely is a joy that fills my heart! I will be updating this blog with more ministry and general life stuff as the year goes on. 

Thanks for reading and joining me on this wild ride.
Many blessings, 

Friday 7 April 2017

it's the end

The time has come; my undergrad degree is almost finished.

I just got home from my grad dessert reception and it is starting to really sink in that the end is near. In a month I will be walking across the stage and collecting my diploma. How crazy is that!?!

As I sit on my bed after changing out of my fancy dress and into my comfy clothes I’m just trying to reflect on my time here at Crandall. I haven’t been here for a long time, but boy has it impacted my life in the best way.

My Crandall story starts when I was in my second year of university. I was living at home, going to UNBSJ, and feeling lost. I have nothing against UNB It was wonderful to me when I went there, I was just looking for something different. That something, I soon found out was Crandall.

I had known about Crandall but I never considered it as a potential university when I was in grade 12, but in that fall of my second year when I was sitting in my Canadian History class I found myself browsing Crandall’s website and Facebook page.

A few weeks later I was making the 1.5-hour drive from Saint John to Crandall to visit the school. From the very first moment I stepped into Crandall I knew it was my home. I even went to chapel on that visit and God really spoke to me telling me to get to Crandall ASAP. I immediately applied for the winter semester (without my parents knowledge but that’s a whole other story) and come January I was moved in and ready to begin my new life at Crandall.

Now fast forward 2.5 years and here we are. Only a few weeks away from graduating from Crandall and ready to leave, not only for the summer like the past two years, but for good.

I’m both excited and scared as I take the next steps in life and head to a new school in the fall to begin my education degree but I am also sad to be leaving Crandall, my friends, and my professors behind.

So now its time for me to reflect.

The past four years have been crazy. So much has changed – mostly for the better – and I have really grown, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Transferring to a Christian university was the best decision I have ever made. Ever since I transferred I have been encouraged to take my faith serious and I have invested in my spiritual growth.

Time and time again throughout my university career God has shown up and proved his faithfulness to me. If there is one think I would tell my grade 12 self before entering university it would be this:

“God has a good plan for you. Trust him, he knows what he is doing.”

I have learned so much about myself, about life, about my relationship with Christ, and about ministry.

I feel so blessed that my school places a strong emphasis on both academics and ministry. Because of this I have been able to experience all different ministry settings over the past few years.

I have gone on my first big mission trip, I preached my first (and second and third) sermon, I started a blog, I lead youth at two different youth groups and gone as a leader to a number of youth events, I took classes about spiritual disciplines, evangelism, leading youth, and reaching young adults, and I found a new passion for inner city community outreach.

Since I had the opportunities to serve in many different ways over the years, I have learned as a disciple and I have grown as a leaders. So even though I was serving others, I actually consider myself the one who was benefiting.

In a few short months I will start at a school where ministry work is no longer mandatory, but that won’t stop my from doing it. I have become so appreciative of the rewards one gets from ministry and the joy one feels when serving the Lord. It is something that I will continue doing for the rest of my life.

All in all, Crandall was so good to me. It is my family and my home. I’m so grateful for the institution, my professors, and my friends. Leaving will be hard, but I am really excited to see what God has in store for my future.

Thank you so much for following along with my final year at this amazing school and as always…

Thanks for reading,


Friday 24 March 2017

What a chaotic week

I keep telling myself, "only 3 more weeks" "only 3 more weeks."

This week has been crazy to say the least.

I have had around 6000 words due for different papers, 2 take home tests due and 12 hours worth of weekend class. Oh and I was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday.

So that was my week, how was yours?

That being said I have had hardly any time to pause in the past few days and I will be going until Tuesday (I have another assignment and a midterm) AND THEN I can rest.

However this week I did get back into reading my Bible.

Fall 2015 I made it a goal to read my bible and journal every day. I always admired the idea of journaling and the thought of writing and finishing a notebook was very appealing to me. So I went out and bought a cute little notebook – I wanted to get one that was nice and wasn’t all that cheap so that I would be motivated to write in it – Since then I have been making it a habit to read my bible and journal regularly.

I have even filled up a journal and I’m half way through my second one!

I have also readjusted my goal, now I want to read and journal through the entire bible!

I must admit though, there are times when I do fall off the wagon. There will be times when I will go a week or two without reading or writing anything.

This usually happens when my schedule changes, i.e. reading week. I got mixed up in being home for a week and then coming back to school to a chaotic and busy few weeks, that my bible reading got lost.

I know that’s really bad, but hey I’m only human and I’m trying my best.

So this week I got back into it – reading my bible and journaling.

That’s my victory for the week.

Thanks for reading,


Friday 17 March 2017

a conversation with an old friend

Over the reading week I got together with my friend Marlee, we went to my favourite Starbucks in Saint John to sit, chat, and catch up. Marlee and I grabbed picked up our drinks; she got a Frappuccino and I got a peach tea and then we made our way over the fireplace and found some comfy chairs to sit and chat.

Marlee and I met when we were in fourth grade and we have been good friends ever since. In the past few years we have only been able to see each other about two or three times a year but every time we get together it is like no time has passed. We can talk for hours about anything and everything.

Well we have talked about anything and everything except faith and Christianity.

Until …

Last week (during the reading week) when we got together for coffee.

So Marlee and I have been friends for 13 years! Can you believe that? I’m old enough to have been friends with someone for 13 years!! (I literally just had to take a few minutes to let that settle in)

Me and Marlee. Summer 2010 
Anyway, we have been friends for a long time and we never talked about Jesus. I always knew that she didn’t really go to church (she would go sometimes with her grandparents) and she always knew that I did go to church, but we never ever talked about church. I never invited her to youth group or church and she never asked.

One of the reasons for that was because I was scared. I have talked about Jesus to others before, but usually it was with strangers or people I wasn’t super close with. I had always been afraid to talk about my faith with friends because, as bad as it sounds, I was afraid I would make the friendship weird or be awkward.

I learned from this conversation that it is not actually so scary.

I should mention by now that my conversation about faith with Marlee happened because it was a requirement for one of my classes but I’m glad that I had to do it, because it showed me not to be afraid to talk to my friends about Jesus. It was really just like any other conversation, it wasn’t weird anything.  

All in all, sitting and talking to Marlee was so awesome. I got to see and spend time with one of my good friends, I got to tell her a bit about Jesus, and I overcame the fear of talking to my friends about my faith.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Reading Week

Ah reading week a time to pause in the semester, relax, and get caught up on all the papers and assignments. Well for me the first part is true, however the last part is not. 

My reading week was full of family time, relaxing time, reading time (books for fun not for school) and gym time. Seriously all I did this week was go to the gym, spend time with my family, watch The Vampire Diaries, and read Before I Fall and 13 Reasons Why. 

(I did also go get coffee with one of my oldest friends but there will be more on that in a later post.)

And you know what? 

I'm absolutely okay with that!

This break was just what I needed. I've been having some serious senioritis the past few months. Graduation is so close yet so far away and I have had no motivation to do my school work. 

After a week away from school I am reading to go back and press on until the end. I have about a month left of classes, then Easter break, then exams. After that I'm off to Cuba with my family and when we get home from Cuba I have graduation! 

In 8 short weeks I will be done classes, done exams, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts.

I can't believe it! 

Anyway, my reading week was so so good. Even though I hardly got any homework done, I had time to pause and take a breather and sometimes that is more important.

I've been thinking of this verse for a little while as I look to the very close end of the semester. I need to keep my eyes on the prize and press on for the next little while. 

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us."
Philippians 3:13&14

Thanks for reading, 


Friday 3 March 2017

planning & swimming

This past Sunday night myself, along with two of my good friends (who are also youth leaders) got together with some ladies from Lewisville (my home away from home church) who teach the middle school girls Sunday school class.

*Just so you know, these middle school girls are not the same girls I talked about in my last two posts: Winter Retreat Recap Part 2 and Part 3, but they are just as awesome!*

We all got together over some Dairy Queen ice cream (yum!) to discuss what our future small group time is going to look like.

The last Sunday of every month all the middle school girls, along with the lady youth leaders and the Sunday school teachers get together for a time of fellowship and fun dedicated to the exclusively to the middle school girls.

These nights are probably one of my favourite things about leading youth group at Lewisville.

On Sunday night we planned for the next few months and then for the next school year.

It was fun to help plan, but it also saddened me to think that my time at Crandall and my time at Lewisville could soon be coming to an end.

Sidenote: I am currently in my fourth and final year of my undergrad. I have applied to 2 different Education programs and I am currently trying to be patient as I wait to hear back. So there is a possibility I may be leaving Crandall for good after graduation in May. I will keep you updated!

After our planning meeting we all went to a hotel and met the girls for a fun time of swimming in the hotel pool and sitting in the hallway eating snacks. It was really fun and it was such a good time to just talk with the girls and get to know what goes on in their day-to-day life.

I love small group nights because with the hustle and bustle and craziness that is our regular Tuesday night youth group, sometimes it’s hard to really have time to chat, with small group we can just sit and talk for as long as we want; or until 8:30 comes along and its time for the girls to go home, whichever comes first!

Anyway, thanks for reading and come back next week to see what I’m to on my March Break reading week,
