Friday 7 April 2017

it's the end

The time has come; my undergrad degree is almost finished.

I just got home from my grad dessert reception and it is starting to really sink in that the end is near. In a month I will be walking across the stage and collecting my diploma. How crazy is that!?!

As I sit on my bed after changing out of my fancy dress and into my comfy clothes I’m just trying to reflect on my time here at Crandall. I haven’t been here for a long time, but boy has it impacted my life in the best way.

My Crandall story starts when I was in my second year of university. I was living at home, going to UNBSJ, and feeling lost. I have nothing against UNB It was wonderful to me when I went there, I was just looking for something different. That something, I soon found out was Crandall.

I had known about Crandall but I never considered it as a potential university when I was in grade 12, but in that fall of my second year when I was sitting in my Canadian History class I found myself browsing Crandall’s website and Facebook page.

A few weeks later I was making the 1.5-hour drive from Saint John to Crandall to visit the school. From the very first moment I stepped into Crandall I knew it was my home. I even went to chapel on that visit and God really spoke to me telling me to get to Crandall ASAP. I immediately applied for the winter semester (without my parents knowledge but that’s a whole other story) and come January I was moved in and ready to begin my new life at Crandall.

Now fast forward 2.5 years and here we are. Only a few weeks away from graduating from Crandall and ready to leave, not only for the summer like the past two years, but for good.

I’m both excited and scared as I take the next steps in life and head to a new school in the fall to begin my education degree but I am also sad to be leaving Crandall, my friends, and my professors behind.

So now its time for me to reflect.

The past four years have been crazy. So much has changed – mostly for the better – and I have really grown, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Transferring to a Christian university was the best decision I have ever made. Ever since I transferred I have been encouraged to take my faith serious and I have invested in my spiritual growth.

Time and time again throughout my university career God has shown up and proved his faithfulness to me. If there is one think I would tell my grade 12 self before entering university it would be this:

“God has a good plan for you. Trust him, he knows what he is doing.”

I have learned so much about myself, about life, about my relationship with Christ, and about ministry.

I feel so blessed that my school places a strong emphasis on both academics and ministry. Because of this I have been able to experience all different ministry settings over the past few years.

I have gone on my first big mission trip, I preached my first (and second and third) sermon, I started a blog, I lead youth at two different youth groups and gone as a leader to a number of youth events, I took classes about spiritual disciplines, evangelism, leading youth, and reaching young adults, and I found a new passion for inner city community outreach.

Since I had the opportunities to serve in many different ways over the years, I have learned as a disciple and I have grown as a leaders. So even though I was serving others, I actually consider myself the one who was benefiting.

In a few short months I will start at a school where ministry work is no longer mandatory, but that won’t stop my from doing it. I have become so appreciative of the rewards one gets from ministry and the joy one feels when serving the Lord. It is something that I will continue doing for the rest of my life.

All in all, Crandall was so good to me. It is my family and my home. I’m so grateful for the institution, my professors, and my friends. Leaving will be hard, but I am really excited to see what God has in store for my future.

Thank you so much for following along with my final year at this amazing school and as always…

Thanks for reading,
